Moon calendar astrology - free chart online at

To the old moon calendar

Day: Month: Year:  
Weekday of date = TUESDAY  -  JD: 2460605.5 (0h UT)
tropical zodiac sidereal zodiac (Maria Thun)
Deutsche Version English Version
mondkalender 2024.10

Oktober 2024

 1 28  2 0  3 1  4 2  5 3  6 4
00 13
  02   12
19   21
 7 5  8 6  9 7  10 8  11 9  12 10  13 11
01 11 18 21
 14 12  15 13  16 14  17 15  18 16  19 17  20 18
22 21 21
| |
    00   07
 21 19  22 20  23 21  24 22  25 23  26 24  27 25
00 07 17
 28 26  29 27  30 28  31 29
06 19
  08   16 10  
Legend of the lunar calendar:
(Valid for 1900 to 2100 with only a small deviation)

This symbol shows the moon phase day, So continuously from 0 (always the day of the new moon) to 28 or 29 (depending on the duration of the lunation); these are the respective yellow numbers on a black background in the top left of the day boxes.
The white numbers on a blue background at the top right are of course the calendar days. And the abbreviations at the top stand for the days of the week, which goes without saying.
Directly under calendar day and moon phase day is always a photo-realistic representation of the to see the current moon phase.
The following lines relate to the signs of the zodiac (explanations of the symbols below), then the respective moon stations with the marked overhangs (vertical lines) and further moon events of the day with rounded time.
Finally, the thin line always follows for the descending (green) or the ascending (black) moon ...

: New moon
: Full moon

Solar eclipse (always at the same time as the new moon)
Lunar eclipse (always at the same time as the full moon)

: Passage of the moon from the northern lunar node
: Passage to the south of the southern lunar node

Perigee of the moon
Apogee of the moon, symbolized by Lilith

: Beginning of the ascending moon
: Beginning of the descending moon
: Northern or southern moon crossing of the equator

Small digits in white indicate the hours of the respective events in GMT
(such as change of zodiacal sign, passage of the lunar nodes, full and new moon and times of ascending and descending moon)

: zodiacal sign of Aries
: zodiacal sign of Taurus
: zodiacal sign of Gemini
: zodiacal sign of Cancer
: zodiacal sign of Leo
: zodiacal sign of Virgo
: zodiacal sign of Libra
: zodiacal sign of Scorpio
: zodiacal sign of Sagittarius
: zodiacal sign of Capricornus
: zodiacal sign of Aquarius
: zodiacal sign of Pisces

Trop. Mondstellung als tgl. RSS-Feed
Sider. Mondstellung als tgl. RSS-Feed

Note on the application symbols:
to : The waning moon draws energy downwards and inwards, plans, builds up internally, dries, stores energy, absorbs, gathers strength, breathes in, invites you to relax and rest.

to : The waxing moon draws energy up and out, rinses out, leads and expands, moisturizes, sweats and exhales, exhausts itself, invites you to activity and energy expenditure

or : North and South node times are considered unfavorable for gardening

: Favorable planting time for seedlings Bring out EM-A